Sunday, 30 November 2008

Merton Staff Excellence Awards

On Thursday I attended the the Merton Staff Excellance Awards at Hilton Hotel in Croydon. The awards are an annual awards, and they are presented to the best teams in council departments, along with individual staff members'. Bring mayor you regonise even more the contribution staff make across the council, along with their dedication and commitment to the council. This event is also an oppurtunity to thank them for their work and service to the council, along with rewarding teams for their excellance. I enjoyed the event immesley and the awards are richly deserved.

Ricards Lodge & specialist arts status

Over the last month I've been at Ricards Lodge School in Wimbledon for three seperate events, the most recent being the award of specialist school status for the arts. To celebrate this award, they had a celebration event at the school last Tuesday which included a performance of Shakespeare, Charleston dancing and an egyptian dance performance with recycled dresses to the Bangles hit 'Walk Like an Egyptian'. The event was a brilliant perfomance, and my congratulations goes to the head Alison Gerrard and all her staff on achieving this status, they also managed to raise £50,000 in sponsorship which is no-mean achievement. The students are also a credit to their school, and I thought their performances were outstanding, indeed it would put many of the X factor constestants' to shame!

Monday, 10 November 2008

Lord Mayor's show

My congratulations goes to the new Lord Mayor of London, Ian Luder on becoming the new Lord Mayor. On Saturday, I attended the Lord Mayor's show which despite the torrential rain, was a very colourful and lively procession through the streets of London. The sheer diversity of the floats, along with the various themes makes it a such a wonderful and joyous occasion in the London calendar.

Fireworks display

Recently I was at both the firework displays at Morden Park on 1st November and Wimbledon Park on 5th November. Both were pretty amazing, and my appreciation goes to the Council officers who ensure that Merton has one of the best displays in London. The Morden Park event was a bit of a washout due to torrential rain but even in those adverse conditions was great to watch, and the firework certainly lit up the night sky and made it a night to remember. I also 'won' a number of teddy bears at the fun fair which was held alongside the fireworks, currently they're sitting in the Mayor's Parlour and will be raffle prizes at my next charity event, as mayor you certainly build up a collection of teddies some of which are pretty big!

Remembrance Sunday

On Sunday, I attended and laid a wreath as Mayor of Merton at remembrance services that took place at The Nelson Hospital and Mitcham Cricket Green. The day itself was very poignant, and in parts moving as we remembered all those who fought for our country in both wars in order that we enjoy the freedoms we have today, but also remembering all those who have lost their lives in more recent conflict across the world, including Iraq and Afghanistan.

At both services it was encouraging to see the number of people that turned up to remember those who had died serving their country, including the large number of young people attending. At Mitcham it was thought to be the largest turnout of people for many years. We also had the army cadets', air cadets, sea cadets' and the scouts in attendance and they all played an active role in the services.

I would also like to give a special thanks to the Royal British Legion for their support, along with the invaluable work that they do each year on behalf of ex-service families who benefit from the poppy appeal. They make a significant contribution in regonising those who have served our country and in giving them suppport.

The day ended with lunch at the new Territorial Army centre in Morden which was opened by Princess Anne recently. Many of the Territorial Army Unit had also served recently in Iraq and Afghanistan and were involved in the main cenotaph commemoration in Whitehall.

On Tuesday, I will also be participating in the Armistice Day service at the Civic Centre in Morden which will take place at 11 and will mark the 90th anniversary of the end of World War I.