Monday, 16 June 2008

Summertime at the Royal Albert Hall

This evening I attended Summertime at the Royal Albert Hall. This was a concert put on by various schools throughout London, including Bishopsford in Morden. At the concert the schools from throughout London put on a variety of different dances; in the case of Bishopsford it was street dance. Other schools performed dances that included salsa, bollywood, hip hop and ballet. After all the schools had performed, they all came together and performed Rhapsody in Blue by Gershwin. This was a stunning display which included ballet, and was a rousing finale to the evening.

The performances in itself were amazing, and it was fantastic to see so many children having the opportunity to perform at The Royal Albert Hall. I've no doubt it will be a memory that will stay in their mind for ever, hopefully some will even go on to do even greater things in the course of time. The time and effort that went in to the performances is also worth mentioning, many have spent months preparing for this and I have to say it was a perfect 10 both for Bishopsford and for many other schools.

I also find it greatly rewarding that they've had the opportunity to perform dance, the activities add a great deal to the school curriculum and it's clear that many have gained a great deal from their participation in dance. Credit also has to go to their instructors who've helped them get to this level; their time and commitment has opened the door for many to get involved in dance and in performing on the big stage. The involvement of the English National Ballet and Imperial Society of Teaching of Dancing has also been of great benefit to those involved. It also shows that exam results are not everything, and that other activities can give children a very rewarding education. Tonight was a great enjoyment to watch and my congratulations goes to Bishopsford and others on such a fantastic performance.


Anonymous said...

Your blog has been added to the favourite blogs section of the unofficial merton libraries blog -

nigel kirk said...

dear mayor of Merton,

I have just read your post passed on to me regarding summertime - i am the dance artist responsible for the street routine performed by Bishopsford School. i have to say that the students were first class to teach; they were willing to try andything that was asked of them and sometimes rehearsing 3 or 4 hours at a time (as i live in Lancashire the distance to travel was too great to do anything shorter) their performance on Monday was outstanding, performing like seasond dancers. they were a credit to themselves the Borough and their school. Congratulations again Bishopsford you were GREAT!!!